Monday, March 29, 2010


Gir is 1 of tha most popular characters in Invaders Zim.......... He's awesome, cool, & funnie!!!!!!!
He's actually a little robot like about 2-3 feet and skinny. He's Zim assisstant & he friendly and all but, If someone goes into their house and noez tha secret that Zim is actually a alien.... or if Gir doesn't reconize them... then his eyes glow and he's on duty.... But, when he goes outside he sometimes goes out as a robot regulary but, usually he's in a green dog suit and he usually he's human!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Invaders Zim

Invaders Zim is da most funniest, most-coolest, show in Nicktoons Network!!!! I don't care but I still like nicktoons network it's awesome! Zim is funny and awesome, also Gir is too.........................

Muxic is Life

I have to say dat Music is Life!!! Itz everything about Life. I mean, everyone luvs muxik. There is no one in the world who doesn't............... & datz a fact.........

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Some people r I'm funny most of tha time but not all tha times.... but, I noe 1 person who isn't funny at all in dis offense..... WALTERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

Move to tha Beat of my own Drum

From dis day forward, I am going to now standout.... & not be like everyone else.... I'm going to be me... try to party hard, be cool, & show love! I just be myself... and to be an examle an influence to people & datz y i have to MOVE TO THA BEAT OF MY OWN DRUM......


AIM is now tha most popular e-mail in tha skool. I have 1 & well, I barely made 1. It's almost exactly like Yahoo I don't noe y people like it....

Ms. Meghan Schooler

Ms. Meghan Schooler is tha most strictist teacher I have ever seen. She's funny most of tha time. But, 60% of tha time she's really strict....
No offense but, almost no one likes her but tha nerds.... At least can we do projects on wut we want to do.... maybe that WILL IMPROVE OUR WORK HABITS & OUR COORAPERATION.... i DON'T NOE HOW TO SPELL DIS WORD. I'll say if we choose what projects we want to do then, maybe she'll see that we put alot of effort into it. We shood do a project on everything we like.

Listen, if we do something that is fun and we like it... then she wouldn't have to worry about us doing so poorly in it. Then, it would be our fault if we either get a bad grade in it or if it's incomplete or if it's done late...

So there u have it folks.......

Thursday, March 25, 2010


My opinion is that blogging shood be sport...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Links: Health

First, u go to Links, then u go to "Health and Your Body" then, u cood click on "Check Yourself" and also, "BAM! Body and Mind"... well, u could just scroll down for more... yeah!!!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Comic Books

Let's see... the comic books I would recommend'm wondering you put out "Batman: Arkham Aslyum" because it was a video game and people might be interest in it. Also, u should put more Batman comics like "Batman R.I.P". And "Batman: Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader?"Not only that also, Superman Comics; like "World without Superman", um "The Return of Superman", "Superman Last Son",or "DC Comics Death of Superman"! i think that's enough comics that u could put on display!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS; I got the Batman and Superman comics from!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mega Man

25 year anniversary!!!!!!! Of tha Mega Man series.... isn't dat awesome! Mega man is awesome and he has a plasma blaster and other various weapons and friends! Who is better Astro Boy or Mega man? Here is tha original Mega Man and tha now Mega Man!


Capcom Rules!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

B track (weep-weep)

I miss B-track, we got along real nice!!!!! That's our sister track who we made friends with! They r our sibling that we can care 4! And now, he comes A-track moving in and A-track is our evil stepsister!!! We've been having fights with them and everything. Listen, this is how it goes, B-track gets along with A-track, and B-track gets along with C-track but, A-track doesn't like us!!!! C-track rocks but we get into alot of fights! B-track has the smart and athletic kids except for this 1 8th grader I noe.....................

Into the Wild Nerd Yonder

It's Jessie's sophomore year of high school. A self-professed "mathlete," she isn't sure where she belongs. Her two best friends have transformed themselves into punks and one of them is going after her longtime crush. Her beloved older brother will soon leave for college (and in the meantime has shaved off his mohawk and started dating...the prom Princess!)...

Things are changing fast. Jessie needs new friends. And her quest is a hilarious tour through high school clique-dom, with a surprising stop along the way--the Dungeons and Dragons crowd, who out-nerd everyone. Will hanging out with them make her a nerd, too? And could she really be crushing on a guy with too-short pants and too-white gym shoes?

If you go into the wild nerd yonder, can you ever come back!!!!!

SORRY, wikipedia again!!!!!!
I noe u think this is a girl book but, it's actually interesting!!!! So, don't be laugh or talk about me that I checked out a girl book from tha Library! I'm not GAY or anything, it's just that it's about a math genius and IT'S A GIRL!!! Some people say this book is funny!!!!!


Dear 6th grader,
I heard about your question and now I'm responding to it!!! So, here r 2 books that I looked up in tha Library Catalog. Okay, this is tha second day and I'm finishing this post, becauzz mizz. rodriguez tha librarian, said tha I didn't do enough WORK!!! Even though I did work hard! But, not back-breaking. Anywayz, there is a book about mustangs and corvettes and Hummers and stuph!!! It's in tha 500 section I think, 1 of tha islands!! I may not be sure, though but all I noe is that there is a section that has to do with cars!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Vampire/Supernatural Books

Here are some age-appropriate vampire books.......

  1. Vladimir Tod (series)
  2. Evermore (trilogy)
  3. City of Bones (series)

Vladimir Tod:

"'Eighth Grade Bites' is the first book to the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod series. The book is about young Vladimir (as known as Vlad) Tod only in 8th grade trying to protect himself and live life as a normal child. Or as normal as it can get being a half vampire. His mom (Mellina Tod, dead)'s best friend Nelly takes care of him. She works for a hospital supplying Vlad with bags of blood that won't be noticed if they are gone because they are close to their expiration date and are of no use to the hospital. When Vlad finds a substitute at school instead of his normal teacher, Mr. Craig, his new teacher, Otis Otis, finds him rather interesting and believes that he killed his parents and his teacher. Investigating more, Vlad finds his father's journal in his old home, and a weird mark carved in his teacher's porch. Otis comes to Vlad's house after being invited to dinner by Nelly, and while there puts another such mark onto Vlad's box of treasures. He later then finds out that Otis Otis is his uncle and is trying to help and save his life from the wrath of Elysia(the vampire society), which sees it as a crime for a vampire to marry a human so he must pay for his father's crime. They travel with Henry, the only other human who knows his secret and come to a head council of vampires called Elysia, which is located in the town of Stokerton. The young vampire and his uncle come together nearly dying and have a fight to the finish with the president of the council, D'ablo, who wishes to punish him for the crime of being born. While Vlad is just finding out about more than him being a vampire in the world." - Wikipedia


"After a horrible accident claims the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever can see people's auras, hear their thoughts, and know someone's entire life story by touching them. Going out of her way to avoid human contact and suppress her special abilities, she has been branded a freak at her new high school, but everything changes when she meets Damen Auguste.

Damen is beautiful, exotic, and wealthy. He's the only one who can silence the noise and random energy in her head - wielding a magic so intense, it's as though he can peer straight into her soul. As Ever is drawn deeper into his enticing world of secrets and mystery, she's left with more questions than answers. And she has no idea just who he really is - or what he is. The only thing she knows to be true is that she's falling deeply and helplessly in love with him..." - Wikipedia

City of Bones:
(I read it and it wuz awesome), "The next night when Clary and her friend Simon go to a coffee bar, she finds the boy from the night before is there. She receives a strange call from her mother. Worried, she heads back to her apartment and is attacked by a demon. She is then found by Jace, the boy from the night club. He takes her to the Institute, where he lives and trains to kill demons.

Clary is introduced to Hodge, the instructor at the Institute, who reveals to her that her mother was once a Shadowhunter. He also tells her that her father was the one who sent the demon, in order to procure the Mortal Cup. The Mortal Cup is the only thing able to make Shadowhunters out of average humans, and Clary's father wants to use it to create an army.

Clary then realizes that she is the only one with the power to retrieve the Mortal Cup, and she has to get it in time to save her mother, and decide the fate of the world". -Wikipedia

I apoligize for tha information being retreated from Wikipedia, but I had to because tha Library Catalog wasn't working because I'm just starting at 6:44pm; 55 seconds! So Mizz Murphy, I won't be upset if u do or do not take points of this post! =)

PS: I hope u 8th graders enjoy these books!!! =]

Young Chozen

I listened to his new song called "Get it out my Locker"!!! It's awesome!!! ALSO, he's making a music video called "Extra Credit"!!!!!!! I made a post about that in tha last 2 months. Yeah, well it's actually called "Extra Credit Mixtape"!!! Remember, I told u dat it'z beat wuz HARD and BUMPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hero is a great and awesome novel about a young adult (teenager),Thom Creed who is a high school basketball star. His mother abandoned the family and his father is a former masked crimefighter who retired in disgrace following a national incident and now works as a lowly worker in a factory. Thom's own superpowers are beginning to manifest themselves, as is his homosexuality. But Thom must keep his powers a secret, for fear of further disgracing his father and risking his hometown's homophobic wrath.

But as Thom's sexuality becomes more troublesome, he decides to run away from home. He immediately becomes mixed up in a battle between some villains and The League, and does well enough to be invited to try out for the team. Thom is accepted as a trainee, and assigned to work with a group of other probationary heroes. The stress of keeping so many secrets from his father exacts a painful toll.

Soon, however, the world's superheroes begin dying under mysterious circumstances. In order to solve the mystery, Thom must reunite with his fellow outcast trainees and deal as well with society's prejudices when his secrets are revealed.

Monday, March 1, 2010

FLASH: the fastest man alive!!!

DDDDUUUUUDDDEEEEEE!!!!!!!! FLASH is my favorite superhero ever...... and BATMAN!!!!! BuT mainly FLASH because he can run super- duper fast and is freakin awesome! I don't care wut anybody says, he's freakin sssssuuuuppppppeeeeerrrrr aaawweessssommeee!!!!!!