Friday, January 29, 2010


Tha DANCE wuz freakin awesome. I mean, everybody wuz dancing and having a good time. I'd say it wuz the most best DANCEthe skool has ever had!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Young Chozen

I listen to his new song called "Rockin Robin" but he actually called Xrta Credit. You know tha song; yeah well, the beat he made in it is bumpin, and hard!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Civil War

The sites in the Digital Library that is useful of looking up images about the Civil War battles is AP images, Facts on File, and the Salem Press. For the last two sites that I recommended to you. You could just Copy and Paste.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Catalog: Buddhism

Hello, my name is James Mitchell and I'm a student worker in our school library. I heard that you're looking for 2-3 nonfiction books, a video or DVD, and 1 fiction book. If no one ever told you how to use the library catalog then, let me be the first.I'm going to help you step-by-step on how to use it. First, you go to the school's website and go to Students, then click where it says LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER. After you've clicked it, click where it says CLICK HERE FOR THE LIBRARY CATALOG. When you've reached there, you could type in whatever book, video, DVD that you want to search. So type in Buddhism, press ENTER on the keyboard, and wait for it to load.

Once it loads, it will give you 33 titles of books, videos, etc. Well, there aren't any DVDs/videos on Buddhism, so better luck next time.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Young Chozen

Young Chozen is my favorite rapper... He'z awesome! Here's a picture of his CD!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


You know what I'm getting ready to read... Gifts by Ursula K. Le Guin. I chose this book because it's about a 16 year old, narrator named Orrec that reflects upon recent events. Emmon, a runaway Lowlander, comes to Caspromant, where Orrec's father is Brantor, or "master". Orrec and his childhood friend, Gry, from neighboring Roddmant to Emmon the history of the Uplands, where various family lines live side by side, each of them with a hereditary "gift." Gry and her mother have the gift of calling animals to the hunt; for Orrec's family, the gift is "undoing" (which can cause instant death with just a glance). Orrec explains to Emmon that these act as defenses, "That's what the gifts are for, the powers so you can protect your domain and keep your lineage pure." The teen wears a blindfold because he believes his gift is "wild," that he could cause destruction unwittingly. Le Guin insightfully chronicles the hero's gradual awakening to the other consequences of gifts and the pressure on each generation to manifest them. "By not using my gift, by refusing it, not trusting it was I betraying it?" Orrec asks himself. Gry discovers she has the ability to train animals and refuses to use her "gift" to call them to the hunt; she wonders aloud to Orrec, "I wonder if all the gifts are backward.... They could have been healing, to begin with." And what of Orrec's mother's skill for storytelling, which she cultivated in her son? Should that be discounted because she is a Lowlander?... And just to let you know, I got this information from the library catalog!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Rodney Mullen

Rodney Mullen is the greatest sk8ter of all time! here's a video to show u!

Sk8er 4 life

you might not know this but I'm a sk8er. I luv to sk8board, it's my thing! All I could do on a sk8board is an ollie, a casper, a manuel, a nose manuel, a shuv it (but can't land it), and a kickflip ( I also can't land that either). I guess I need more training. My favorite sk8board logos r the Element, the Darkstar, and the Flip. to me those r the 3 legendary sk8boards in existents... oh, wait and the Blind. Here's a picture of it...

Friday, January 8, 2010


Dear 8th grader,
I have three diaries that is formatted into a book. The first diary is called "Party Princess." It's about a fifteen year old girl named Mia that tries to figure out how to raise money for the bankrupt student government at her school. While, also worrying about how to be a party girl. The next book is called "Vampire Diaries". It's about two vampire brothers named Damen and Stefan find their bond torn apart by a woman who they both love and tragedies of their past. And the last book is called "Princess in the brink" it's about how Princess Mia's junior year in high school starts off with a difficult course load, a crazy student council race, Grandmere's search for temporary lodging, and the news that her boyfriend is moving to Japan next year. To find out where there is more books about diaries then you should go on the library catalog and look it up.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Funny books

There are three books that I want to recommed to you. The first book is called "The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian." This book is completely hilarious. I mean, you have to read it! I recommed it and also the thing is, its only 229 pages. The second book is called "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole." It is my most funniest book in the library, you should read it. And its 261 pages. The last book that I want to recommed is a comic book called "The Farside Series"! This book is the most humorous comic book in the whole library. This book is filled with 4 smart jokes on each page, front and back.


Did you know that the world's most secure flashdrive is the Ironkey. The IronKey manufacture a range of secure USB flash drives including the IronKey S200 and IronKey D200, which come in three varieties: Basic, Personal, and Enterprise, and sizes from 1 GB to 16 GB.

The Infernal Devices

The Inferal Devices is going to be a good book to read! Says me! The first book in The Infernal Devices is entitled The Clockwork Angel and begins the story of Tessa, an orphaned teenage girl who discovers she is a warlock, complete with an array of magical powers. But these new-found abilities plunge her into a world she never knew existed, and she will have to learn to master them if she wants to find her brother, and to do this she will have to forge an alliance with some Shadowhunters if she wants to survive in this dangerous world. I'm sorry that I don't have a picture for you!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

City of Glass

City of Glass is so freak'in interesting but, i didn't read it yet! The third book in the Mortal Instruments series starts a week after City of Ashes.

City of Ashes

City of Ashes is a wonderful book to read even though I didn't read it!

City of Bones

City of Bones is a good book to read! I recommed it!


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