Thursday, January 21, 2010

Catalog: Buddhism

Hello, my name is James Mitchell and I'm a student worker in our school library. I heard that you're looking for 2-3 nonfiction books, a video or DVD, and 1 fiction book. If no one ever told you how to use the library catalog then, let me be the first.I'm going to help you step-by-step on how to use it. First, you go to the school's website and go to Students, then click where it says LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER. After you've clicked it, click where it says CLICK HERE FOR THE LIBRARY CATALOG. When you've reached there, you could type in whatever book, video, DVD that you want to search. So type in Buddhism, press ENTER on the keyboard, and wait for it to load.

Once it loads, it will give you 33 titles of books, videos, etc. Well, there aren't any DVDs/videos on Buddhism, so better luck next time.

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