Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6st and 7th graders "ESL"

I found a book that is realistic ficton and it's tha granddaddy of them all! The book is called "Twilight"! Even though it haz alot of pages, it's still a good book amd u should take your time with it! Another book which is u already noe and is a famous/hilarous, may i present to u... Diary of a Wimpy Kid!!!!!! ( Yeah, Woooohooooo, GRE-GO-RY, GRE-GO-RY, GRE-GO-RY, GRE-GO RY!!!) Anton told me dat it'z realistic fiction becauzz it is actually a real boy who goes through those problems and stuff that r in tha book! I didn't believe him at all becauzz I thought it wasn't true but right now, at 5:32pm and 50 seconds, I realized dat there wuz going to be a movie so I now excepted his information about this book!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Super Smash Bros.

Super Smash Bros. is the best game in existence, but it can't beat Global Agenda nor Dark Void! Anywayz, this game is on Nintendo64 and I've played it so many times and each time I play it, I get more and more better at it! Tha top 4 best players in tha game...r... KIRBY, LINK, FOX, and CAPTAIN FALCON!


Link is freakin awesome!!! He's sssooooo powwerful and all! Hero of the Kingdon of Hyrule, the blade in his hand is called "Master Sword"; also known as "Blade of Evil's Bane", not only that but he has a whole arsenal of items at his disposal - bows and arrows, a shield, a boomerang, and a Clawshot! He's a force to be reckoned with! He's cool!


Sheik rocks, in Super Smash Bros. Melee! She's actually Princess Zelda but she transforms into Sheik and she is powerful!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Science Fiction Books

First of all, I would like to start by saying that I freakin luv sci-fi books! Also, fantasy and mystery!!! Okay, this book is called "I, Robot"! U noe tha movie... or have u heard about it. Well, the book is by Isaac Asimov and he is a well-known author that happens to be the most greatest writer in writing about futuristic ideas and stories like this 1. I'll just put the movie cover on it because the book cover is freakin horrible! Tha next book is called "Feed"! Tha book dat I'm still reading, I had made a blog about this before (this week)! But, I'll tell u wut it'z about anywayz.
The story depicts a future in which the Internet has evolved into the "Feednet"; a computer network to which the brains of American citizens are directly connected by means of an implanted computer chip called a "Feed", which about 73 percent of Americans have set in their brain. Privacy has become a thing of the past; Corporations are free to monitor and manipulate citizens' thoughts, people's thoughts are interrupted by the mental equivalent of pop-up ads, sometimes to a debilitating degree, and the government can even subpoena one's memories. The corporations and conglomerates responsible for the feed participate in data mining by monitoring the purchases and interests of those with the feed, and using this information to fit individuals into consumer profiles. People can "M-Chat" one another (a form of evolved Instant Messaging) on closed channels, effectively creating a form of telepathy. In addition, the Feed chip is implanted at such an early age that it actually takes over the running of many brain functions as the child matures. As a result, certain sites on the Feednet allow users to go "In Mal"; deliberately cause their feed chips to malfunction, causing physical and mental sensations similar to some illegal drugs.

The natural environment has also undergone extensive damage; atmospheric conditions no longer allow the natural formation of clouds and the sky is filled with artificial Clouds™ and the ocean has become so acidic that whales are sheathed in plastic coverings. Sexual reproduction is no longer possible. As a result, all women undergo in-vitro fertilization and have their children custom tailored to their liking. I'll get a picture for it to post!

The corporations responsible for the Feed have an immense power in the future America. They run the school system, which is now known as School™. Throughout the book, they appear to hold the true power in America, leaving the president virtually helpless as the Global Alliance, a coalition of countries, threatens to go to war with them. By tha way I got this from wikipedia! The next book is called "Ender's Game"! I don't like this book but, it's worth telling u so, here it goes...In the book, humankind experiences large-scale confrontations with a largely unknown alien race called Formics (often referred to as "buggers") who nearly wipe out humanity. As a result, humankind enters a shaky alliance to combat the Formics with the formation of an international military unit, the International Fleet (IF). In the futuristic setting, humankind develops interstellar travel, faster-than-light communication, various new weapons and defense mechanisms, and control over gravity. Earth is governed by three separate bodies, the Hegemon, Polemarch, and Strategos, which compete for dominance during the war.

Most of the story focuses around the Battle School, a space station used as a military training complex for children. The IF tests all children on Earth and selects the brightest for the Battle School for military training. Students are organized into armies with 40 members and assigned to conduct simulated battles in micro gravity (called "null gravity" in the book). Upon graduation, students move on to either Tactical School, Combat School, Pre-Command School or Command School with three years in Pre-Command. The Battle School forms in response to the need of highly skilled officers for the wars against the Formics, and most of the officers in the IF pass through the school at one time.

Sooooooo, my guess is that you'll like 1 of them! Correct!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


First, u go click students; to the library media center. Then, u cick wherer it says "Click to go to Digital Libray"! After that, u do that, u look in (well, my suggestions r) for u to look in Britanica or World Book Online!

Friday, February 12, 2010


Feed is awesome! that's wut I think! Anywayz, the story revolves around a teenage boy and his relationship with a girl with a vastly different world perspective. They live within a futuristic world where technology has merged electronics and telecommunications with the human mind, something which plays a major role in the novel. The book is a dark satire about corporate power, consumerism, information technology, and data mining in society. Their lives revolve around advertising, and the knowledge and will that the Feed not only provides them with information on demand but manipulates their decision-making in realtime.

The story depicts a future in which the Internet has evolved into the "Feednet"; a computer network to which the brains of American citizens are directly connected by means of an implanted computer chip called a "Feed", which about 73 percent of Americans have set in their brain. Privacy has become a thing of the past; Corporations are free to monitor and manipulate citizens' thoughts, people's thoughts are interrupted by the mental equivalent of pop-up ads, sometimes to a debilitating degree, and the government can even subpoena one's memories. The corporations and conglomerates responsible for the feed participate in data mining by monitoring the purchases and interests of those with the feed, and using this information to fit individuals into consumer profiles. People can "M-Chat" one another (a form of evolved Instant Messaging) on closed channels, effectively creating a form of telepathy. In addition, the Feed chip is implanted at such an early age that it actually takes over the running of many brain functions as the child matures. As a result, certain sites on the Feednet allow users to go "In Mal"; deliberately cause their feed chips to malfunction, causing physical and mental sensations similar to some illegal drugs.

The natural environment has also undergone extensive damage; atmospheric conditions no longer allow the natural formation of clouds and the sky is filled with artificial Clouds™ and the ocean has become so acidic that whales are sheathed in plastic coverings. Sexual reproduction is no longer possible. As a result, all women undergo in-vitro fertilization and have their children custom tailored to their liking.

The corporations responsible for the Feed have an immense power in the future America. They run the school system, which is now known as School™. Throughout the book, they appear to hold the true power in America, leaving the president virtually helpless as the Global Alliance, a coalition of countries, threatens to go to war with them.


The first book is "The I hate matematics book!" 510 Bur, The second book is "Math doesn't suck" 510 MCK, and The last book is called "Math" 510 Dis!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Paramore the band rocks!

STORM: The Infinite Code

This book is awesome, but I didn't finish it!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Toph rocks so much that I shouldn't be saying this! She is an earthbender that is also a heavy weight champion in competeing against another earthbender! And she's 12 also, she's blind! U know how she wins each match? It's not cheating but, she uses the vibrations of that opponent like of every step they take, she can feel it and when she feels wut he's going to do, then she attacks! It's unique! And guess wut,... she invented metalbending and she learned how to sandbend! Isn't that awesome! She's beyond powerful but not powerful than aang well,... idk who is going to win. I'll write this as a poll!


This is when aang turns mad and he's battling the firelord HEAD-TO-HEAD! And yeah, I spelled AANG right!

Avatar: the last airbender

Avatar, the last airbender rocks! It's freakin awesome! aang and toph are cool! Did u know there is a movie coming out this year!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is coming and LOVE is in the air! I hope u find that girl or boy which u have a crush on! I'm excited. I already brought a long rose and a big teddy bear and I'm giving it to a girl that I have a crush on!


It is a special gift to be able to blog. I mean, I could post stuff about life, about me, about my community, my school, and everything around me that happens or occurs often or every now n' then. I would say that, it is an honor to have that privlidge of having that advantidge... yes, I spelled advantidge correctly... I think! Anyway, it feels like I have the freedom of speech, to talk and communicate well, by INTERNET! BLOGGING!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Justice League of America

And last but not least, the JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA (JLA)! They are just... out of this world. I mean, all of the posts that I did on DC animated universe, JSA, and the JLU!

Justice Society of America

I also like this league! It's freakin awesome!

DC animated universe

DC animated universe rocks! I hope u like them or used to like them too!

Justice League Unlimited

This superhero force it COOL! I don't care if anybody laughs at me, this is my life and I want to live it tha way I choose to live it! So, you're just going to have to deal with it. But, still I think that they're AWESOME!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Global Agenda

This is game is so intense that u can't even stop playing it! Okay, Global Agenda mixes a science-fiction setting with a secret agent backdrop, leading the developers to refer to the game genre as spy-fi.[2]

The game is set on 22nd-century Earth in the wake of severe global disaster.[3] A government called the Commonwealth tyrannically rules Earth. Earth's population is under one billion people and suffers from a shortage of habitable land. Advanced technology allows limited regions of Earth to be environmentally cleansed and habitable. As land becomes available there is intense competition to colonize the area and control that region's technology. This competition sets the stage for much of the game's campaign action.

By the way, every robot or half robot has a jetpack! AWESOME!

PS: I got this info. from Wikipedia!


Noisecreep.com is tha best website ever! It has all the bands u could think of and alot more! U should go there!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Viewtiful Joe

Viewtiful Joe is awesome! I used to watch him on saturday mornings on KidsWb which is now CW4kids! He's my favorite cool Dude!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Ken is powerful and all but I don't like him. Him and Ryu r in battle!


Street Fighter is awesome! Tha most powerful character I like is Ryu! He'z cool!

Star Trek

Some people don't like Star Trek, and I didn't like it either! But, when I watch tha show at 10:00 pm at night it's awesome! And now, I like Star Trek! Tha show i mean... maybe I shoulld start reading tha books!

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is tha best basketball player there is. I like tha way he slam dunks, shoots 3 pointers, and crossover people!