Tuesday, February 23, 2010

6st and 7th graders "ESL"

I found a book that is realistic ficton and it's tha granddaddy of them all! The book is called "Twilight"! Even though it haz alot of pages, it's still a good book amd u should take your time with it! Another book which is u already noe and is a famous/hilarous, may i present to u... Diary of a Wimpy Kid!!!!!! ( Yeah, Woooohooooo, GRE-GO-RY, GRE-GO-RY, GRE-GO-RY, GRE-GO RY!!!) Anton told me dat it'z realistic fiction becauzz it is actually a real boy who goes through those problems and stuff that r in tha book! I didn't believe him at all becauzz I thought it wasn't true but right now, at 5:32pm and 50 seconds, I realized dat there wuz going to be a movie so I now excepted his information about this book!

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